Invitation for expression of interest for participation in the action




The Inter-Municipal Agency of the Western Countryside of Thessaloniki "Nefeli" informs you that the application process for the new Voucher program for the unemployed from 30 to 49 years old has begun, according to the call for expressions of interest with reference number 0.5432 / 22-12-2020 and title "CONSULTING, SUPPORT, TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND PROMOTION IN THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE UNEMPLOYED AGE 30-49 YEARS OLD IN TECHNICAL SKILLS OF SPINNING SECTORS".

The deadline for submitting the electronic application of the beneficiaries starts from 23/12/2020 at 14:00 and ends on 01/02/2021 at 14:00.


The object of the action is:

The provision of professional counseling, continuing vocational training services (theoretical training and internship) and certification to 10,000 unemployed registered with OAED, aged 30-49.

1. provision of professional counseling services (4 sessions),

2. Provision of continuing professional theoretical training services lasting two hundred (200) hours in the field of technical professions:

▪manufacturing / industry, construction,

▪health - welfare,

▪tourism and food.

3.Certification of knowledge and skills to be acquired under the training program, and

4. internship -on the job training- of a total duration of three hundred and eighty (380) hours after a specialized coupling of the beneficiaries with companies.


Unemployed people who meet the following conditions have the right to participate in the Action and therefore the right to submit a "Participation Application" for registration in the Beneficiary Register:

1.To be registered in the Unemployment Registers of OAED, regardless of whether they receive unemployment benefit or not and to be out of Education, Employment and Training.

2.To have been born from 1.10.1971 until 31.12.1990 *.

3.Be a graduate of at least compulsory secondary education.

* At the beginning of the intervention,  during the AD counseling session, the beneficiary must be over 30 years old and under 50 years old.


Educational Allowance - Benefits

Every beneficiary who completes the training program and the consulting and certification services of knowledge and skills, according to the terms of the Invitation with Prot. No. 0.5432 / 22-12-2020, is entitled to receive a total educational allowance, which is distinguished into a theory allowance. and internship allowance, total value (€ 2,520.00).

▪Theoretical training allowance € 1,000.00 (200 hours X € 5 / hour).

▪Internship allowance € 1,520.00 (380 hours X € 4 / hour).

▪Certification of knowledge and skills that will be acquired under the training program.



The action is funded by the OP. "Human Resources Development, Education & Lifelong Learning", with resources from Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund).

Procedure for submitting an Application Form


Anyone interested in registering for the Beneficiary Register and participating in this action must:

1. To fill in and submit in electronic form, via internet, on the special website ( the form "Application form".

2. To "preserve" his application in electronic means, as well as the proof of submission of his application, which states the "Code Number of Submission of Application" (KAYAS), as well as the exact date and time of its submission.

3. In case he has gained professional experience in community service programs, the beneficiary should choose the relevant field of the Application.

* The additional supporting documents for the documentation of the data stated in his Application for Participation, in case of exclusion, the beneficiary must present them to the provider of his choice.

Deadline for submitting an online application

The deadline for submitting the electronic application for participation of the beneficiaries starts from 23/12/2020 at 14:00 and ends on 26/02/2021 at 14:00.



We will be happy to answer any questions you may have